Box Office

Tickets for individual concerts can be purchased at £22 for adults and free for children under 18

How to find us

The church is in the middle of Winchelsea
The postcode for navigation is TN36 4EB

Travelling by road

Winchelsea is located on the A259 between Folkestone to the east and Hastings to the west. There is free parling availavle on all roads in Winchelsea and in the vicinity of the church 

Travelling by train

There is a hourly rail service to Winchelsea and the station is about one mile from the Town. 
Rye town is also hourly service which is about three miles away. If travelling from London change at Ashford International or Eastbourne. Fast trains leave from London St Pancras reaching Ashford International in 37 minutes. 

The Ancient Town of Winchelsea, part of the Cinque Ports Confederation, is an historical, architectural and environmental gem; set on a hill overlooking Romney Marsh and the English Channel, protected by its status as a conservation area

For some two centuries, the town has been a magnet for writers, artists and musicians, drawn by its charm, peace and inspiration. Central to these qualities, and geographically central to the town itself is the Church of St Thomas the Martyr

Patrons; Sir David Bell, Richard Lester
Roxanna Panufnik

For more information on Winchelsea please visit